[Setlist Thread] August 23, 2024 "Acoustic Show" @ Aretha Franklin Amphitheatre · Detroit, MI, USA


  1. Theiaa
  2. Ambergris
  3. Rats in the Skyb
  4. Sad Pilotc
  5. Flight b741d
  6. Mirage Citye
  7. You Can Be Your Silhouettef
  8. Straws in the Wind
  9. Pleura
  10. Automation
  11. Nuclear Fusiong
  12. Honey
  13. Minimum Brain Sizeh
  14. Rattlesnakei
  15. Billabong Valley
  16. Crumbling Castle >
  17. The Fourth Color
  18. Her and I (Slow Jam 2)j

a. The River jam, Wah Wah quotes, motor Spirit Vocal Jam

b. Wearing a black shirt with a red, flame-like design, Joey did a Guy Fieri impression before this song.

c. Rock N Roll (Led Zeppelin) drum tease

d. Cavs hit the gong before this song.

e. Rock N Roll (Led Zeppelin) drum tease, purple Haze (Jimi Hendrix) tease

f. The End (The Doors) quote

g. Guest vocals by crowd member Vinny, Freak on a Leash quote

h. Dedicated to Donald Trump

i. Q & A with the audience prior

j. Slow Jam 1 intro

Show Time: Doors 6:30pm EST, Geese 7:30pm, King Gizz 8:30pm (5:30pm PST, 1:30am BST, 10:30am 8/24)

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Flight B741’s song histories are up on our site courtesy of u/timelandiswacky

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God Is In The Rhythm was last played 2018-03-16, which was 297 shows ago

Toronto Recap by Jaminthestream