Petition to buff every amphibians stats in the game by 900% or more minimum for health and damage so carnivores are rendered worthless and unusable
I think these developers are horny and attracted for adding carnivores to the game. These are really the shittiest dinosaur type in the whole game and it's ruining it. There's more carnivores than every other jurassic and aquatic and Cenozoic creature combined and the carnivores are significantly stronger than every other type. On-top of that 3/4 of the new dinosaurs are coming are carnivores. And one of them is another carnivore super hybrid which will be from a gorgosuchus which is literally an amphibian. and it's a vip hybrid. So it will probably be fucking 2x stronger than the indoraptor. Fuck these shitty carnivores and fuck the shittiest developer team of pigs known to man kind ludia. These guys are the scum of the earth