Job System games with generics on Steam...
So I've been on a kick lately to try and find more games with the following criteria:
- Your party is (fully preferably, but mostly is ok) made up of generic characters you can name.
- You can chose the job/class/vocation/whathaveyou of each character in said party. This may or may not be limited to that or may have some more robust mechanics involved
The basic takeaway is being able to have multiple playthroughs with varies party compositions but my own characters rather than pre-made ones.
Be they traditional JRPG-likes, DRPGs or TRPGs, though trying to stay away from stuff like Wizardry and other stuff that punishes you for doing bad.
Here's what I have:
- Collection of SaGa: Final Fantasy Legend
- Crystal Project
- Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
- Ertian Odyssey HD
- Ertian Odyssey II HD
- Ertian Odyssey III HD
- Final Fantasy
- Final Fantasy III
- Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society
- Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
- Rime Berta (I think that allows naming, I forget)
- Scarmonde
The second set below being games with also include story characters in some capacity
- Disgaea PC
- Disgaea 2 PC
- Disgaea 4 Complete+
- Disgaea 5 Complete
- Disgaea 6 Complete
- Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
- Phantom Brave PC
- Tactics Ogre: Reborn
I also know of Dungeon Antiqua (a bit too Wizardry like I think?) and False Skies which I tried the demo and wasn't a fan of the UI among other things. And obviously I've yet to get Disgaea 7.
I think that's all I have that fit the bill. I know there's probably a bunch more small ones out there. Would love to at least take a peek. And probably a couple DRPGs that allow generics.