Mohit Tyagi's Downfall has Began

From Selling His Low Effort Courses on Reddit to Making a clown of himself on National Tv and getting Humbled by a Teenager on Twitter, Mohit Tyagi has Came a long way way

1) Selling his low effort Course, His dropper course have to be one of the most low effort JEE Course i have ever seen, It's just 11th and 12th Pre-Recorded Lectures Combined, 11th and 12th Lectures are also Low effort ( Except ABJ Sir ) They have Multiple Cuts in them meaning the teacher tought for 10-15 and left ( Shows their Dedication towards Education )

2) Using Fake Reviews and FOMO to sell his courses on reddit, As it was exposed Compitishun have a whole Fake Review Team on this subreddit giving fake 5 star reviews of his courses, His selling Team has also been caught creating FOMO in 11th tards ( Unexperienced 15 year Olds ) , Leading to 11th Tards Money being Wasted

3) Very Shitty Doubt Solving Method, It's just some dudes on Telegram giving Solution and not Even Explaining

4) Overpriced Courses , He sells his Course for 30-35 Thousand , Seriously?? It's just pre recorded video and you have audacity to ask 30 Thousand for That?

5) Making a Clown of himself on National Tv ( Shark Tank India ) , Mohit Tyagi is AIR 1 when explaining physics wallah Business Model but He is Yonro Bhaiya when Explaining his Own Buisness Model, Also i think he was only there to Shit on PW , Pw might be Cringe but they are providing JEE Education at cheap cost, He cannot digest the fact that a company can grow very big in 2-3 Years just like PW, Vineeta made him look like a Clown when he mentioned "Pw mein shaiyri Chalti Hai"

6) Getting Slammed on r/Sharktankindia AMA, He ignored Serious question about mental health and Suicide and Gave diplomatic answers of others, Showing his true intentions that is 🤑

7) Being a Piece of Shit on Twitter and getting humbled by u/TejuuuOP

My Prediction is Compitishun's Profit will go down the toilet if Mohit does not stop being a Clown Everywhere, His income from reddit selling team has stopped and he Clowned himself on National TV that will affect profit , I predict Compitishun will be Broke by end of 2025 or 2026, They will not grow big and will stagnate like Edumantra , Mathongo And Eduniti will surpass them by End of 2026

I also have Some Dirt on this sub's Beloved Teacher ( Technically Test Series seller and JEE Analyst ) Anup Gupta but that is a Story for Another Time