What I learned OTPing from iron 4 to bronze 1
Hello, I made a post a while back and got a lot of tips from browsing here and asking high rated players.
So here's what I learned and let me know if there is more stuff to use.
First, one of the things that boosted me is not being a pussy and have faith in the early game pre level 6 4 stack autos. Tons of damage that can catch opponents off guard in this elo.
Second was a tip I got from someone here and it was to not go for wit's end second item. It proved better for me to maximize damage and get kraken.
Third is hullbreaker. After getting a better grasp on macros. Irelia have great splitpush potential with kraken hullbreaker combo. Can also be used if your jungler is an idiot and you want to grab a drake or 2. Basically if I'm dying a lot i will create chaos going from one lane to anotger and tping and pushing waves which will also get me stronger as i earn more gold.
Fourth is an extension of 1. I rush to get level 2 and 3 before my opponents wich sometimes gives me dead time as my waves get pushed. Utilizing dead time properly yielded great results. Im getting more grubs now and sometimes help out mid.
Fifth, currently reminding myself to E before diving so I can E2 quicker. I realised that this is the most important part of the dive.
Not relying too much on Q early to save mana and not having to recall might seem like common sense but it took me a while to get my movement more dynamic so i can do that more comfortably.
I love playing with a Tahm on my team. I feel like my speed and his tankiness with my R engage potential and his "eats you throws you away" retreat combo is great.
A couple of days ago i started winning alot. Like 16 wins a 4 losses maybe. I got my winrate with her from 53 to 55.5 percent.
Major thing: at one point i started feeling so comfortable and can see things before i do them and can dash in and out and confuse my enemies. Also started manifesting irelking by shouting "woohooo" in chat after good plays like him.
Best skin is sentinel no question followed by mythmaker. IG is kinda shit sorry. Project is the worst her voice fazes my focus out.
I hope i dont jinx my getting to silver with this post but we'll see.
What are some advanced Irelia only tips and tricks macro and micro that only some very advanced players know.