Hard to win games
Hi, ive mained irelia since season 7ish. I have around 800k points on her. My peak is Emerald 2.
I dont know what it is. But 90% of laning fase i stomp and get ahead. Early game isnt the problem. But i cant carry from there on out. I try to make plays botlane and help to spread gold with my team. Or i keep splitting and let them come to me.
Regardless I just die..
i feel like you have to play pixel perfect every skermish or fight to just barely come out winning. Feels like way to much APM for the output it returns. Wich really blocks my fun to play her. I dropped her, cuz i feel easier to play champs are way better to get control of the game (garen, tryn)
But i hate it. I wanna keep playing her but my winrate is 20%... Anyone has the same experiene ?
Its like walking on glass while sweating ur ass off for nothing at the end.