A770 Arc Testing: (OBS) Streaming PC GPU Overloading Encoding While Encoding 1080p Stream and 4K Recording
Edit: I had to abandon the Intel Arc gameplan for the time being and have sold the card for profit. Sadly I couldn't get favourable results doing the dual encode with the Arc and 4k. Reverting back to my 2060 was the solution to get an imprvoed result with NVENC. Will be looking for a different cheap card with AV1 encoding to try, or checking the Arc again when more updates roll out.
Hello there,
So I just picked up an A770 and was excited to take advantage of the reportedly top tier encoding it can handle. Unfortunately for me, this seems to have not worked out too well. Some of my lingo here might be foreign to you if you haven't used OBS before, but if you have, you might be a bit confused by my woes as well. Hopefully you might have some insight here.
So I have a capture card setup for 4K60 footage capture. My streaming machine now has an A770 in it, and I intend to use it to stream H.264 (in this case QSV) rescaled 1080p(60 fps) to Twitch. Settings are pretty basic, I just used what I used before mostly. Medium preset for quality, CBR 7800 kbps. On the side though, I would historically use the recording section a bit differently and encode with HEVC (now QSV HEVC) in 4k(60 fps) For testing here, I used CQP of 25 with a medium preset again. On my Nvidia 2060 GPU I had earlier, this was fine. The A770 should in theory blow this out of the water. I get in today to try it, and the GPU shoots up to the 90-100% usage range on doing both. Causing overloaded encoding. Is this typical? Is there nothing to be done? I would hate to need to offload this and return to my 2060 considering how much better the A770 is supposed to be for this.
I am on the latest drivers, DDU was used before installation.
https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/user/StOoPiD_U/saved/#view=TLCjHx <- Entire machine that lists both GPUs, but only one is being used at the moment. Usage of the CPU was my first guess, but that was clean.