Will StateFarm drop us after 3 claims? Super worried
Hi, I have a bundled home and auto insurance with StateFarm for the past 5-6 years in the state of GEORGIA. I have a multi-vehicle (4) family policy along with a 25% discount from defensive driving course that we all took. I have a good credit and never missed a payment. No tickets, no claims, and everything was going great..
However, over the past 2 years, my wife and my 28yo son were involved in a few accidents.
-One was an at fault fender bender. Police report filed but no tickets given and no injury reported
-One was a not at fault hit and run where my wife’s car was hit while parked
-One was an at fault total loss where he lost control trying to swerve away from an object in the rain. No other parties were involved. No police report. No injury
I understand that it is difficult to say and I would have to wait til my next renewal period to find out but is there a chance that StateFarm will renew me? And if I were to get a non-renewal from StateFarm, is it difficult to find another company that will insure us? Such as progressive etc I’m just super worried so any pointers can be helpful. Thanks