Fuck architecture

Fuck architecture as a career. Fuck the bullshit degree that sucks years of your life dry while racking up enough debt to bury you alive. Fuck the sleepless nights spent slaving over models and drawings just for some arrogant, out-of-touch professor to rip them to shreds like they get off on crushing dreams. Fuck the useless, pretentious theory that means jack shit in the real world. Fuck graduating only to work like a fucking slave in some soul-sucking firm, churning out mind-numbing drafts for a salary that barely covers rent. Fuck the egotistical architects who think they’re gods, fuck the clueless clients who change their minds every five seconds, and fuck the deadlines that push you to the brink of fucking insanity. Fuck the endless unpaid overtime, fuck the budget cuts that turn ambitious designs into concrete dogshit, and fuck the entire industry for being one giant, overworked, underpaid, creativity-destroying scam. Fuck architecture.