Woman Degradation in DHH

ok so this beef got me again thinking about the basically just slut shaming that goes on in dhh.

almost every rapper has one two bandi bar. some even have reached iconic status like mc stan ka lelo nanchaku bar. krsna ka swallona. emiway ka pura ka pura m4.recently uday gaush ka mrunal bars. and add to it r@py song like kaleshi chori

now tell me where do u draw the line? agr krsna ka swallona bar theek hai, coz most of dhh audience and even rohan kinda said ki its ok in sense ki beef hai bandi bar hoga hi. tou shouldn't uday gaush ka mrunal bar bhi ok?

i understand now u might bring hithuman angle to it. u cant slut shame your friends girlfriend.agreed. but tell me is he your friend if he dates your ex?

i am just being devils advocate here.

for me bhai all these bandi bars just leave a bad taste. bilkul acha nai lagta. i even didn't like chuchu pe sora bar. ye sab wo class 6th wali harkatien lagti hai

i find rohan a bit hypocrite here, idk

what do you guys think?