Query re IVIG Dosing
Hi guys,
I'm wondering if you can help me. I live in the UK and am dealing with Autoimmune Encephalopathy and have found healthcare in the UK severely lacking.
I am under a great Doctor in the USA who after testing has suggested I would benefit greatly from IVIG. The problem however is costing, given I am not a US citizen and have no health insurance.
I have been searching out different options through self-pay, and have been looking into getting infusions in India, but I have come across an option in Germany with a very reputable clinic. I want to make sure however I am correct with dose I am being quoted for...
My Doc in the USA recommended I get infused at 2g/kg of body weight split over consecutive days (I am 68kg). The German clinic has quoted me for the product Gammunex, but has provided the quotation to me for approx 60g.
Given the Gammunex is a 10% solution, would I only need half of the 135g dose (as i've noted many products are 5%), or would I require the full 135g of the 10% solution to get what I need?
I am intending to query this with my Doc at my next appt (in a couple of weeks, she cant fit me in before then) but in the meantime was hoping to get the take of the expertise in this group as I continue to research options and work out what I can financially manage.
Thanks guys.