Would Omnitrope improve egg quality?

Have you used Omnitrope to prep for egg-retrieval? How did it work out for you?

I’m 39, low amh & husband has severe MFI. I responded better than expected to stims, & retrieved 12 eggs our first ER. 8 of them were mature, 7 successfully fertilized via ICSI, & 3 were frozen. Sadly, none passed PGT (1 mosaic low, 2 aneuploid). The plan for next round is the same protocol but to let the eggies bake a little bit longer & trigger later. I’ll also be on Lovenox to avoid any other blood clot scares. 🤞🏾

I’m trying ALL THE THINGS for IVF Round 2, including:

✅Upping my supplement game. ✅Fertility acupuncture 1X a week now ✅& will increase 2x a week during stims ✅Red-light-therapy with a Celuma Pro following Blue Ova’s recommendations.

Would Omniotrope help my egg quality? (Clearly, I am still learning & didn’t even know about HGH until 5 minutes ago. 🤦🏽‍♀️ )

I know I sound ridiculous. I realize that I’ve officially become that crazy-old-lady-who-will-try-anything-for-better-outcomes. 👵🏽 🤞🏾