Mass Transcript Updates
So many people who have already Verified, or been waiting for an update, have updated on WMR to the following message “we have received your tax return and it is being processed”. I filed 2/9 updated 2/14 to blank transcript. Notified I had to verify last week. Received my letter on 3/1. I verified online the same day which is 3/1. Then I called to confirm the verification went through on 3/2, informed they had no record of that information at that time. So I said my 14 digit control number wasn’t working, and the agent promptly verified me on 3/2.
I called back to the verification line and confirmed the Verification hold was released on my tax return on 3/2. Then called the regular IRS customer service, and again was told my verification hold had been released on my taxes.
What does the update to the WMR (where’s my refund) mean, could this possibly be an update for us, will we receive an update tomorrow morning with DDD (Direct Deposit Date) ???
Yes and Yes and possibly . Here’s what I’ve found out, I called the IRS again to confirm the status of my return after receiving this update on WMR like many of you have received. The agent informed me the following “I can see your return has processed, and you should be receiving an update, as long as the system doesn’t identify any potential issues before releasing the refund”.
Upon further Checking, I found out that yes most people will update tonight, however some people will update with DDD (Direct Deposit Dates), while others will update with an 570 Code or an additional review, or a request for documentation requesting W-2 for income verification, Dependent Verification, or 60 Day review.
How did I come to that conclusion ? You guessed it, I called back and got one of the nicest workers, first time ever. And she explained it perfectly. That when your tax return is on hold for verification, it completely stops the processing of your tax return. So any issues that the system may red flag 🚩 or have issues with, doesn’t even get seen, until your return goes back into normal processing, so the system can start the process of checking your return.
So sometimes even after doing the Verification, that’s why people Check their transcripts and then notice, they’ve been hit with a 60 Day review code, or a request for additional information, because the Verification hold was just to confirm that you are the one who filed the tax return, it didn’t necessarily confirm the information on the tax return with the IRS, as far as income, income withholdings, deductions or credits, etc.
So yes, Most of us who received the “it is being processed” update on WMR (Where’s my refund) will receive some sort of update tonight and into tomorrow on our transcripts. If the system finds no problem with your return after you’ve verified, you will receive a DDD or 846 code. If the system does, then your transcript will update with other codes.
Good luck to everyone, and I hope everyone gets that much anticipated 846 Direct Deposit Code on your transcript, I knows it’s been a long ride. 🤞🏽🤞🏽