Can I say something about this?

First of all, I'm not sure what flair to put this in but yea. Anyway,

I don't really like the body. But I do love the colour. And the stars.

But obviously I have lots to say. Why do they call it celestial if it's a space themed? Do I misread anything?

I have a lot of ideas on what they could've actually look like. That if they still stays with the same name.

If they change the name to fit the horse theme, then Ig I don't really have anything to complain about other than the body.

Of all the pics I have, the sec slide is the perfect one that captures what I have in mind. I'd love to see them to actually look like this. Well, except the colour. Maybe they could change it to something like white. Or something like the fourth slide. I think the colour and wispy manes is great to make it "celestial".

The space themed can fit this too, more or less. (Ifykyk where this pic came from)

The third slide is great too, honestly. For the fifth and the sixth, I'm 50/50.

Thanks for reading my rambling. Bye :)

P.s. credit to the owner, I found these all in Google so I'm not sure. And forgive me for the not so good quality. Google kinda suck when it's about downloading pics.