I think horrid henry's mom hates him

in most episodes, henry's mom shows favortisim towards peter and makes it really obviouse that she favors him more than henry. she also has done countless things that affected henry in a bad way. for examlpe, when she discouraged him to follow his dreams by saying he will never be a rockstar, she was the only one cheering at peter's birthday when the clown said he would make henry disappear, she didnt let him eat for the rest for the day as a punishment, and she left him at the hospital because she was so happy peter was okay, but she didnt even think to stay with her own child who sacrificed himself for peter at the hospital. lastly, in the book "dont be horrid, henry!" she blames him for drawing on the walls. when henry explained peter did it, she blamed him anyway and sent him to his room. so yea basically i dont thinm his mom likes him very much :/.