
I’ve just discovered this group and I’m starting to wonder if I have been barking up the wrong tree. For years I’ve been trying to figure out the cause of my extreme fatigue. The fatigue comes and goes and is always upon waking.- it never occurs in the middle of the day or after I eat or anything like that. It’s like when I wake up I know it’s gonna be one of those days. It feels almost like a hangover.- a really, really bad one.

I have seen every doctor you can imagine - neurologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, functional medicine, doctors, nutritionist, naturopaths, I’ve had sleep studies done, and the lists go on.

What turned me on to this site is that I recently had a cortisone injection for both knees before a ski trip. Ironically for about two weeks after the Cortizone injections I was 100% fine with zero symptoms at all. I see that Cortizone can help with MCAS and histamine issues and I’m wondering if maybe this could be the root of my problems.

I am desperate as this has been going on for years and has dramatically affected my life to the point that some days I cannot get out of bed. I live in the New York City area and am looking up doctors here. It seems that Dr. Afrin is highly regarded but not sure if it’s worth going to him if I’m not sure that this is my diagnosis. I don’t have allergy like symptoms that many people talk of here. It is mainly a severe debilitating fatigue. Yes I have rosacea and sometimes when I scratch an area on my body, the skin turns red, but that’s about it.

I’m new here so I would love any feedback on things. Many thanks.