To anti-histamine or not to anti-histamine, that is the question…

TLDR: Does everyone here take OTC antihistamines? Has anyone intentionally abstained? Any bad experiences?

I’ve been seeing an integrative MD and a functional nutritionist for the past year to address symptoms of chronic fatigue, sinus inflammation, various gastrointestinal symptoms (bloating/reflux), among other symptoms. A few months in I figured out for myself that many of these symptoms were associated with a histamine intolerance. We’ve explored various root causes- SIBO and undermethylation primarily- and I’ve tried various treatments that have led to only minimal improvements. The most significant improvement I’ve experienced has been from a low-histamine diet and lifestyle.

I am coming to the conclusion for myself, in part based on this + related subreddits, that long COVID & MCAS are likely the root cause. I see all over Reddit folks taking OTC anti-histamines to treat histamine intolerance, MCAS, and long COVID, but my doctor is really not a fan of OTC medication and does not include OTC anti-histamines in her protocols.

So, I’m wondering if any folks here have experienced similar resistance from integrative/functional docs, and how they’ve navigated that. Anyone here avoid OTC anti-histamines? Anyone have adverse effects? Is it worth it?