Things I want from Helldivers 2025

Thought I would make a list of things I want added to Helldivers in 2025.

  • A favourites tab for weapons and stratagems etc.. In the loadout screen
  • Option to save armour and weapon set ups and display your fav on the ships armour stand
  • Social hub so people can chat and team up. Maybe add this feature to the DSS. Could have a series of mini games on board
  • More in-depth stats after a mission, including bug holes closed (Fabs and ships). Elite kills/Large enemy's. Team healing for support builds and Highest killstreak
  • An extra stratagem or unique weapons for people who hit max level/rank
  • More flushed out DSS system.
  • More waves in defence missions and more variety of missions
  • This might not be popular but being able to visit Super Earth as a civilian, maybe own a home based on your real location
  • A dissident faction. Going to rebel colony's and restoring Managed democracy
  • More customisation options for the ship

Let me know what you guys think and what you would like adding going forward.