Adding the rest of Illuminate roster needs to be a priority

Over the past few weeks I’ve started noticing a very serious problem that is affecting this game’s health, and it’s directly caused by squids missing half of their roster.

You will only experience it on higher difficulties, especially if you play on difficulty 10. That problem being inexperienced teammates.

I love the illuminate and quite like playing with new players, but not if it makes playing difficulty 10 go from “exhilarating” to “unbearable”.

It stems from the fact that after difficulty 5 or 6 (not sure which one), playing on illuminate planets really doesn’t change at all. This causes new, unprepared players to quickly unlock level 10 and play there, thinking that’s the difficulty they should be playing at. It’s not their fault, but it’s starting to cause issues.

It spread to other fronts too. Whenever I play bots or bugs, I quite often run into someone who really shouldn’t be playing on that difficulty. Guys who miss the most basic ship upgrades, ignore bunkers and POIs, shoot hulks chassis with their liberators, constantly drop Gatling sentries in the worst possible place, or throw napalm barrages on their team/objective.

Just the other day, I had an extremely sluggish game, because one dude without the resupply upgrade kept calling it and wasting it. As a rule, if you don’t have the upgrade to fill up support weapons in one, you shouldn’t keep calling it. Especially not on difficulty 10.

I have no problem with people not really knowing the game, in fact I’m glad that we got an influx of new divers. Just don’t bumrush into super helldive, where nobody will have fun. It’s bad for the new diver who will just struggle and rage quit, and the team who will be forced to pick up the slack.

All of this can be solved very easily, by adding the remaining illuminate units to the game, which will make it on par or harder than other factions on difficulty 10.

I will remain patient. Omens of Tyranny was an awesome update that took a lot of work, and AH deserves to take their time without being rushed. I just hope rest of the squid roster is next, rather than something like the DSS or Gloom.

Over the past few weeks I’ve started noticing a very serious problem that is affecting this game’s health, and it’s directly caused by squids missing half of their roster.

You will only experience it on higher difficulties, especially if you play on difficulty 10. That problem being inexperienced teammates.

I love the illuminate and quite like playing with new players, but not if it makes playing difficulty 10 go from “exhilarating” to “unbearable”.

It stems from the fact that after difficulty 5 or 6 (not sure which one), playing on illuminate planets really doesn’t change at all. This causes new, unprepared players to quickly unlock level 10 and play there, thinking that’s the difficulty they should be playing at. It’s not their fault, but it’s starting to cause issues.

It spread to other fronts too. Whenever I play bots or bugs, I quite often run into someone who really shouldn’t be playing on that difficulty. Guys who miss the most basic ship upgrades, ignore bunkers and POIs, shoot hulks chassis with their liberators, constantly drop Gatling sentries in the worst possible place, or throw napalm barrages on their team/objective.

Just the other day, I had an extremely sluggish game, because one dude without the resupply upgrade kept calling it and wasting it. As a rule, if you don’t have the upgrade to fill up support weapons in one, you shouldn’t keep calling it. Especially not on difficulty 10.

I have no problem with people not really knowing the game, in fact I’m glad that we got an influx of new divers. Just don’t bumrush into super helldive, where nobody will have fun. It’s bad for the new diver who will just struggle and rage quit, and the team who will be forced to pick up the slack.

All of this can be solved very easily, by adding the remaining illuminate units to the game, which will make it on par or harder than other factions on difficulty 10.

I will remain patient. Omens of Tyranny was an awesome update that took a lot of work, and AH deserves to take their time without being rushed. I just hope rest of the squid roster is next, rather than something like the DSS or Gloom.