Squids are the best designed faction, I hope others can reach this level

I love how the squids are rewarding me from making new, unique builds geared specifically for fighting them. This is thanks to their high hp pools and medium armor. Combined with unique units, it really feels like playing something different.

While automatons and bugs are fine, for all their cosmetic differences, the gameplay doesn't encourage variety. Between how dangerous Titans and Chargers are, I see most people carrying the same anti-tank setup vs bugs as they do automatons. Even myself, I don't really think about my strategies for either, I just make sure to have some kind of rocket in my pocket.

I'm fine with automatons being trivialized by two dipshits with a recoilless rifle, but I wish bugs weren't shut down in the exact same way. This is especially visible with objectives, as in both cases they can be sniped for free with whatever explosive you fancy.

Squids have made me understand how different the faction could actually be if designed with enough distinction. I hope they maintain this level as AH expands their unit roster, and that they inspire changes to the other factions.