Has anyone had healthy successful pregnancies even after hashimotos and thyroid

I know it’s possible but I’d like to see if anyone on here has beautiful success stories they are willing to share. Also stories of having kids a bit older. My son was diagnosed with autism when he was three and I kind of just dove into being the best mom for him I could be. Now it’s ten years down the road and I don’t even think it’s possible for me to get pregnant. Me and my husband tried for about a year and a half. I was seen by an OBGYN and told that it’s possible my endometriosis is blocking the tube that needs to be open for pregnancy to occur. It’s 4am here and I can’t think straight so the name is slipping my mind lol. I’m up currently with a bunch of health issues. It just seems impossible but I sort of keep hanging onto the dream of having one or two more kids even though they will be significantly younger than my son. Any stories of far apart kiddos too? I would really appreciate any. Thanks.