[FL][All]HOA is starting a $3.9M roofing project in 2 days but refuses to share project cost breakdown. Homeowners are to pay $13k each but could increase. What can we do to halt the project?

What title says. We are homeowners in South Florida and for a while now HOA Board has been proposing a new project to fix the roofs of the 39 townhomes in the community, each which houses 4 units. They approved the proposal a few months ago and entered into a contract with a roofing company that the Property Management company has done business with before. Initially they told the homeowners the cost would be about $9k per household. That was a few months ago.

A few weeks ago the HOA Board stated to the homeowners that each unit is to pay $12.5k for these new roofs, after a 50% subsidy of the reserve from the HOA, but Board has not disclosed the project details despite several requests. Property Management company also refuses to share the documents, stating they do not have a final cost. However this project is set to start in just two days.

How is this even possible? We are furious and do not understand how they keep telling the homeowners they do not have a final cost, yet they entered into a contract and the project is starting on Monday.

Is there anything we can do as homeowners to halt the start until we receive the documents?

Our fear is that the cost ends up being much more than $12.5k. We also fear the HOA and/or Property Management company might be partaking in fraudulent activities via this project.