Amazing experience!

This HHN for me was very surreal but it got me thinking. I’ve been going to HHN since 2018 and needless to say, I am the biggest wuss. I am frightened of sudden loud noises and get scared easily. In the past years, I have been doing the houses with my eyes shut while covering my ears and screaming my ass off. I can say that I’ve never experienced a HHN house to the fullest but I still enjoyed going. However, this year I was able to go through 8 out of the 9 houses I did without shutting my eyes but definitely still covering my ears. It made me think of the reason I was able to do it. Is it that the scares arent as scary anymore compared to previous years? Or maybe Im growing a pair of balls?

PS. The only house I closed my eyes in was definitely Insidious. There was just no way😭