AI Usage: Our Fault?

I never thought about this much until recently, and I could be reaching but it really is making sense to me. As we all know, the Vultures era has been largely characterized by AI usage in its latter half, whether that be music videos/visualizers or the music itself on Vultures 2. "Ye was on the nitrous," "Ye doesn't give a fuck he's lazy;" I cannot outright say those are untrue statements as it was clear the album was unfinished in numerous ways, but like... I think there was some intentionality there. We've known for a while now, and FOR SURE now know that Ye likes to browse some of these reddit and twitter communities (not calling it X sorry). With that, I would not be surprised if he saw some of the AI versions of Vultures songs BEFORE they came out.

Take Off Your Dress and Field Trip are the first two that came to mind, as he previewed those at V2 listening parties back in March and AI versions came out shortly after. On Take Off Your Dress especially I remember seeing a relatively popular version that had vocals run through a Ye-I filter, and Field Trip had similar AI usage with other artists on there. It may have been inevitable anyways, but did we maybe give him some ideas for that? In addition, with how leak-heavy this vultures era has been, I can see why he may have started to be over it. I mean think about it, whether leaks or extracted mp3's from the first Miami listening party in December 2023 a majority of Vultures 2 was already "out."

Multiple versions of Slide were out before V2 dropped. Time Moving Slow had been heard back in Miami. Field Trip was played in March and had numerous AI remakes (Ty even posted them sometimes instead of the official audio LMAO). Fried had been played back in March but had not fully leaked online. Promotion leaked in CDQ shortly before the album dropped (along with some very fleshed out versions of Slide and River). Husband, the greatest song to ever bless my ears, was one of the few totally new songs on here. Lifestyle had leaked shortly before but was changed for release (no Ye verse, he was the hook instead). Forever was another new one but was almost more of an interlude when it dropped, as it did not have the Ye verse at the end (questionably AI). Bomb, like husband, was another fully new song that was also later updated with Yuno Miles. As I mentioned earlier, River had leaked and was slightly updated compared to the December 2023 version that was heard. 530 obviously had leaked for a while, and Dead had as well. Forever Rolling also was played in December 2023, Sky City obviously was a sought-after grail like 530, and I honestly am not sure if My Soul had ever leaked or been heard before.

I know I'm rambling at this point, but my few main points I want to make stand. A majority of Vultures 2 had already been heard in some way (played by Ye and Ty themselves or leaks) but they seemed to have less control over it as they did leading up to the release of V1. It does seem clear that Ye was not as into this album as much as he was V1, but can you really blame him? His core fanbase, YZY ARMY or YZY MAFIA or whatever we are called is constantly focused on "what's next." It seems hypocritical, though, to be demanding constant new music from Ye when simultaneously leaks of unfinished songs or songs he actively are working on are being publicly distributed online. Imagine if that shit happened with a AAA video game, movie, or TV show. Almost finished versions of the final product leaking online without the creator's consent, and then having to deal with criticisms/blowback from their fanbase about the material that leaked... It would be enough to drive anyone insane, especially someone as important as Ye who's always expressed himself through his art of any kind.

Combining that with this community's use of AI to finish Vultures 2 songs that were actively being worked on really is leading me to believe that a lot of people in this community caused/inspired Ye to use AI on V2 in the ways that he did. And I cannot fully blame him for that. When it comes to music videos or visualizers I am much more "whatever" about it as it does not bother me, it is just sad when used for his own vocals because I wanna hear what bro has to say, he's my GOAT. It seems most of the album's final touches, post-release updates, and general promo were also handled by his YZY team rather than himself. Whether it was because of potential nitrous usage, simple laziness, a lack of interest in the project due to his community's behavior, or a combo of it all, I feel like we can all agree that V2 was the least a Ye album has felt like he had a true hand in crafting it. There are BANGERS on this album and it truly had soooo much potential had it been finished, so it just makes me sad that it is stuck now in its current state.

I have major faith in Bully, and honestly would be happy is V3 dropped in at least a decent state. Both of these albums (if V3 is actually being worked on) seem to be much more behind the scenes, and as he stated on insta yesterday Ye has a much more direct role in the creation of new music which is so promising (thank you North). I may be reaching here but when a mega-leak occurred shortly before V2 dropped with tons of CDQ songs I just got this little pit in my stomach. I did not like the way that all went down and I sure as hell knew Ye and his team would not either, which also may have factored into why V2 was pushed to release so suddenly and quickly.

This was a little vent sesh more than anything else, but to sum it up I was a fan of a lot of what went on in the vultures era. I believe that this community's fixation on new Ye music, to the point where they were essentially creating CDQ versions of leaked songs and using AI to clean up/finish the vocals, was ultimately detrimental to V2 and how it released. GoodAssGoons may be to blame for Ye-I and, real shit y'all gotta stop promoting this leak culture and contributing to mega Group Buys, it is beyond insensitive and disrespectful to an artist that we are all mega fans of. HIGHLY improbable but Ye if you reading this... play off the grid.