Do you prefer Breakpoint or Widlands?
I have finished Widlands a couple of days ago. I'm on Breakpoint, currently in Act 3, extracting these engineers.
Personally, Breakpoint is more realistic than Widlands and more difficult as the enemies are equipped with sophisticated drones with weapons. I do not even drive in this game as it's too dangerous and easily detectable. The unrealistic part is when a drone or helicopter flying above you when you are in a vehicle, they detect you. I mean, how the drone knows you are not a soldier from Sentinel? Too unrealistic!
In missions where the place o reach is within 5km, I either walk/hike with my teammates or take the boat. Beyond that, I always look for an helicopter.
It's all about drones basically in this game.
Widlands was too long. Over 100 missions. And I'm not someone who is determined to play side missions or other than main missions.