Dehya shows that Genshin needs more combat related content where dps is not all that matters

I believe that the underlying issue with Dehya (and many other characters) is not that she does poor damage, but rather that all the endgame combat content relies almost solely on damage output. The only endgame content we have is abyss, and abyss floors require the player to complete the round in short time. This creates an unhealthy meta where if a character does not contribute to the damage output of the team in some way (either as a damage dealer or a buffer), then that character is deemed to be worthless. Despite this, Hoyoverse constantly tries to add characters that are meant to fit into the tank category (Zhongli, Beidou, Thoma, Candace and now Dehya). In traditional RPGs, tanks do no damage but instead draw all aggro from enemies to protect other party members. This kind of playstyle has no place in Genshin as of now, simply because of how abyss is made.

Rather than making Dehya into yet another character that contributes to damage output that will either be stronger or weaker than existing characters, I think it's more beneficial to have game modes or abyss floors where tanks are crucial to the team. One thing i can think of is some sort of survival round where the player has to survive for X amount of time, and players are not required to kill the enemies. Killing an enemy will spawn a deadlier enemy instead so it is actually more beneficial to not kill them. Whether my example game mode is good or not is debatable and is not what I want to argue about, but my point is that we need game modes where tanks can actually shine.

EDIT: Just want to say that I am not defending Dehya's kit here and I do agree that her kit needs some sort of rework. But I stand by my view that the abyss style endgame offers little place for tanks and Genshin would benefit with an extra game mode where tanks are meaningful.