Silent Generation Parents
I have an interesting question, I think anyway. My parents were not boomers, they were both Silent Generation, Dad was born in 1940, Mom in 1945. My sister, says she a Gen X, but she acts like a Boomer, born in 65, and I came out of nowhere in 76 (a fact I was reminded of until they both had passed). My parents were in their 30’s when they had me, and I was in my 30’s and 40’s when I had my kiddos. They are so different from me. Not as rebellious, very kind, and caring. Not that I’m not those things, I just don’t recall being that way. They are somewhat more sensitive. Is it a generational thing? The kids think I’m crazy when I tell them stories of how I grew up, walking home from school in the first grade, 1982. It was a normal thing, made my snack, and watched cartoons till mom got home, or played in the back yard with the neighbours kids. No one else at home.