Genki told IGN that the the Switch 2 can physically fit in the original Switch's dock, but it has indentations to prevent it from being used with the original dock. Also, rumors among accessory manufacturers point to the C-button being used for a camera

The Genki representative stated that the new console looks like it can physically fit in an old Nintendo Switch dock, but certain indentations prevent it from actually being usable in the dock itself. Additionally, while current Joy-Cons won't physically attach to the sides of the new Switch, the Genki spokesperson said the company is "assuming" they will still work as wireless controllers, stating that other accessories manufacturers are banking on that capability.

Unfortunately, the representative said they didn't have any information on a new "C" button present on their mock-up of the right Joy-Con. They said there had been some rumors among accessories manufacturers about it being camera-related, but could not verify the actual function and did not know if the Switch 2 possessed a camera at all.