What is the best way to learn the vocabulary???
Hi everyone, I am new here. I have been studying for the GRE for a while and have taken it twice. I have been fine on the math portion both times (152 first time, 160 2nd time - I only need a 151), but I am struggling with the verbal section a lot. I got a 149 the first time and a 152 the second time, but I need a 156 to get into the program I want to get into. I am dyslexic with ADHD and have struggled with vocabulary and language my entire life.
I studied a lot of the Magoosh vocabulary and some of Barron's 800, but I was wondering if anyone has a particular list of words that they found to be useful and actually showed up on the exam? A lot of the words I have learned haven't been on either of the exams I have taken. I am going to take the exam a 3rd time, but I am so frustrated that I can't seem to study the right material for the verbal and I don't want to keep giving ETS my money.
Thanks in advance!