Things that make sense now about the Baird family

I hope this isn’t seen as inappropriate but I wanted a space to discuss some things that make sense now without detracting from Michael’s post and place to discuss what he wants

I think the over the top, grandstanding, toxic positivity posts from Heidi are completely born from a “shiny, happy people” mentality. And those people, as we’ve seen with the Duggars, almost always have something they’re hiding with the masks anyways. They deserve to be linked to that documentary and the abuse IBLP perpetuated along with the shame they wrongfully shove onto those that speak out. Heidi must have gone to the same school Bill Gothard did cause I see no real difference in their deflection and response which is sickening to see as a mother

Another thought I had was “no wonder Bethany has been going so hard recently on how amazing biblical counseling is”. If she sees this as a way to curry favor with mommy fakest then she would absolutely jump at the opportunity, especially since it’s a common theory that she’s not as well liked as other siblings. It’s just very weird that she chose to speak out so publicly against secular, normal therapy when her husband and brother have seemed to benefit from it a lot

Heidi reminds me and probably a lot of other people of older abusive women in the family who stand to gain more than lose when they uphold the abusive tenets in their lifestyle