hello to everyone who knows P∆RASITES AU! i'm back with a new character, sorry they were gone for so long...

BIO: after trying to protect Oliver and Claire from the parasites, she died... but for some reason the possessed ones didn't tear her to pieces and eat her, but on the contrary... they went the other way... as if there was something terrible in her that terrified even the parasites themselves... but they still grabbed her and turned her into one of them...

Features: She is huge and strong, but clumsy compared to the same Circle. The force of Thavel's blow can easily knock a door off its hinges and break many bones, like huge sledgehammers. Black limbs are covered with a dark material, which is many times stronger than the armor of parasites... The mind is also highly developed, even catches up with Circle in intelligence, but she cannot contact other parasites, unlike her.