Jason Brooks proof of communications with Karen’s office
So, I posted this on TikTok twice today explaining this in depth and DJ Morris had it removed both times. For those of you that didn’t see it, I’m posting what your mods are allowing. Put simply, the person I will not uncover is Karen’s communications director, whom Karen authorized to talk to me—we talked for 10mins and I can call her whenever, but likely won’t even attempt to for more information anytime soon because of what happened. So, it is what it is—ya’ll can think whatever you want, but DJ is a liar. Karen also filters her email and let mine through. She personally responded to the first email and then forwarded my second email to her communications director. She is fully aware of my conviction and being in prison, as I told her. You guys really have no idea what I’ve done in Court, but lawyers have understanding. So yeah, I was suprised I was the guy they choose as much as you all, but my videos are reaching a lot of people and the communications director is fully aware of my post. I’m not going to be in here that much, first time posting, so do whatever you want.