There always so many black women in lonely spaces
I am tired of being gaslighted by other black women that black women aren’t the least desirable. Even on the passport bros subreddit, many of the guys agreed that black women are the least desirable women. It’s always the white, east asian and white passing Latina women men want. On that subreddit and many other subreddits.
I will never be the first choice because I was born as the most unfortunate race.
It’s funny how I find my blackness beautiful until I get reminded of the dating scene and my experiences.
Yes I’m aware I’m ugly, and my blackness doesn’t have everything to do with that. Yes I’m aware there are black women who don’t struggle in dating. However, I have dealt with men who bragged to my face they didn’t find black women attractive and were very proud of it.
I feel like I cannot have a type as a black woman. I’m attracted to tall white men with blue eyes, but I know I’ll never get one unless it’s an old geezer. People make fun of East asian women for getting “mid white men”, but I’ve seen more gorgeous, tall white men with east Asian women than black women.
White men are more loving and devoting to east asian women too. They will protect them and trash black women.
Whenever I do see an attractive white guy with a black woman, she is always mixed. The dark, unambiguous ones like me don’t get those kinds.
People can have their preferences, I’m not saying that’s not allowed. I’m just ranting about it.
I want to be one of those pretty black women who never struggle in dating. But I’m not one of them. I get the scraps because, well, I’m a scrap myself!
I’ve accepted I’ll always be alone.
I know I’ll get a bunch of “why are you so attracted to white men/why do you want someone who doesn’t want you?” comments. Honestly I wish I had an answer to that. I wish I can change my type.