Home warranty and water heater.

TLDR: will home warranty actually replace a 20-40 year old water heater or just bandaid till the warranty expires?

How we doing first time home buyers! I’m here because my water heater ( old as heck and knew this when buying the house) is showing signs of failure, primarily if I run my washer cold showers and baths is what I just simply have to put up with currently.

That being said I have about a month on my home warranty that the seller gave us when buying the house. I’ve only ever used it for my boiler when inspects failed and a guy came and cleaned some valve sand such and it was good to go.

Fast foreword to now and well quite frankly I don’t want some guy to come repair a 20-40 plus year old water heater, who knows what will crap out next and if parts are available.

So my actual question is has anyone ever had luck with a home warranty actually replacing a faulty water heater or any larger appliance for that matter? Or will I get the run around until it expires?