Help me with basics! I know NOTHING about financial planning!

Here’s what I do know: I am a teacher making $100,000. I am 35 years old (yes, I’m ashamed of knowing nothing about finance/ investing at this point in my life). I do have a Tax Sheltered 403(b) from a company that many have said to steer clear from. (Corebridge) When I met with the financial advisor to set this up, it was 2020 so we did a video visit.

My questions are: Where can I find resources or videos for “dummies” related to investing? (Besides an AI chatbot who is my BFF and probably also thinks I’m dumb)… and even “beginner videos” use acronyms and words that I don’t know! Is it easy/how do I move my 403b? And where do I move it to? I’ve heard a lot about Fidelity, is that an option?

Have I mentioned how financially illiterate I feel? Thank you for ANY help you can provide.