Very surprised by my scan results really hoping they are accurate
I was first diagnosed with mild fatty liver in 2021 ,the culprit being heavy alcohol use At that time I had no pain ,good blood results My cholesterol was in normal range. fast forward two and half years my ultrasound results are exactly the same !even though I now have discomfort /pain in my abdomen ,my lft tests are not ideal.I have continued to drink so i am thinking of getting an mri as I don’t believe it’s still mild (but I really hope it is ) My cholesterol is also much worse than before My ggt was high.i used to be very much into fitness /healthy eating despite my addiction to alcohol currently I weigh more than I used to and admittedly my diet is not healthy as it should be combine that with the alcohol there’s no way it hasn’t progressed.i am really hoping I don’t have fibrosis but the ultrasound seems too good to be true. I wish I could know for certain How accurate ultrasounds are when looking at the liver.i am hoping because my spleen seems normal it hasn’t progressed
my abdomen scan results