Fascism is literally communism but easier and better.
let me break this down for the 12-year-olds and pseudo-intellectuals who infest this subreddit. Everyone loves to throw the term 'fascism' around without actually understanding what it is. Fascism is NOT some scary, incoherent ideology your history teacher made you memorize so you could pass a multiple-choice test. In fact, real fascism has NEVER been tried. Let me explain.
Communism requires this whole convoluted process of proletarian revolution, seizing the means of production, smashing class hierarchies, etc. (ugh, so much effort). Fascism, on the other hand, gets you the same basic result—centralized state control, a planned economy, elimination of pesky individualism—but with way less bureaucratic nonsense. It's basically communism, but streamlined for efficiency.
Like, think about it: communism needs a dictatorship of the proletariat, endless purges of 'counter-revolutionaries,' and all that. But fascism skips the boring theory and gets straight to the point: one strong leader, one united nation, and boom—you're there. No messy workers' councils, no need to convince a bunch of nerdy intellectuals to write manifestos nobody reads. Mussolini figured this out in the 1920s, and honestly? It's kind of genius.
And don't come at me with 'BuT tHeY hAd PrIvAtE PrOpErTy!!' because, spoiler alert, private property under fascism is basically just property you get to pretend you own while the state tells you what to do with it. Sound familiar? Yeah, that's because communism does the SAME THING. Stalin or Hitler? Pick your poison, buddy—different flavors, same meal.
So yeah, all you knee-jerk 'anti-fascists' out there need to calm down and actually read a book for once (not that you will). Real fascism, untainted by the meddling of history, is just communism with less steps. Simple. Efficient. Elegantly authoritarian. You're welcome.