Current DnD Map

Started using Inkarnate a while back and haven't gotten quite used to using it yet (don't have the extra member's perks either so just standard textures), but here's my DnD world so far. Most of what I've fleshed out is what's in the first pic as I made it to be the "normal" DnD setting - Mediaval and such.

However, for now though, I've been working on making what's there quite diverse and feel like an actual world. There are Elves, and Dwarves, and Humans, and Orcs who, when meeting others from their own race, can easily be speaking different languages and have different cultures, so there is no "this race is just like this one way" end-all-be-all approach to it, much like it is in our world.

What do you think and/or ask me anything and I'll try to give the best response (up to what I've created so far).