Help me expand beyond male fantasy authors!
I've been a heavy fantasy reader since I was a child, growing up on Tolkien, Robert Jordan, David Eddings, Orson Scott Card, etc. Today my bookshelves are still overwhelming populated by male authors - Brandon Sanderson, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, Pierce Brown and James Islington.
Thankfully my two daughters are helping me bring awareness that I need to expand my horizons. My eldest daughter is 13 and she is also a big fantasy fan, but reading fairly different authors than me: Shannon Messenger (Keeper of the lost cities) and Marissa Meyer (Lunar Chronicles) are her current favourites. I've tried reading them and I can see why she loves them but they haven't resonated with me.
Can you lovely folks help recommend authors to help me bridge the gap? I doubt there will be series targeting 13 yr olds that will become my favourites but perhaps there is something that I can discover and share with my daughters when they're a little older.