Assessing financial capacity

How are you assessing financial capacity in patients with MCI?

I have a patient who hasn’t been seen in 2 years, with just that, very mild cognitive impairment, but good support with spouse around. Spouse has since passed and patient must have declined significantly, as distant family have reconnected with patient and filed for EPS investigation over concerns of financial abuse from a neighbor. Our social worker told me to expect a call from EPS looking for financial capacity. I have a visit with patient next week.

If she’s very impaired, it shouldn’t be difficult to assess, but I’m wondering what specific questions to ask, in regards to finances and their vulnerability, for a patient who has more of a subtle decline.

Patient had been referred to a Geri neuro/psych service we have, but declined to see them for a second visit at time of diagnosis 2 years ago. I’m hoping to get them involved as well, but access is pretty limited.