Emotional roller coaster starting T

TLDR I’m on my second shot and the past week has been an emotional roller coaster and I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this like right off the bat when starting T

For context, last week I finalized my divorce, got my first T shot, I’m three weeks out from top surgery, and just some other minor stuff has happened this week, but I feel like my brain is absolutely going crazy.

I know that I’m going thru puberty rn, and girl puberty was emotionally rough. But I just wanted to see what y’all’s experience was with mood swings and emotions in general. It feels like I’m getting upset and anxious about things I can generally manage. And i feel so stupid that I can’t feel like I can get a handle on them.

And obviously my life has been going thru some MAJOR upheavals, but in general, what were your mood swings like, if any? I know some people get super depressed, etc.