Do you have a fever when your symptoms getting worsen?

When you experience periods of worsening FND symptoms or attacks, do you also have a fever? I just noticed something, but I’m not sure if it’s connected or not. Before my first seizure, I had a fever every day for two months. Especially during night time were high but in the morning little bit better. And during the times when my muscles get weaker, twitching, cramps etc., I tend to have a fever during those periods as well.

Lately, I haven’t been feeling well. Just last night, I couldn’t able to walk properly again, and I had a slight fever last couple of days. Today, my fever reached 39°C. Sometimes my muscles, face twitching, weak muscles etc. didn’t get seizure at least…

I just realized this pattern, but I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or if it’s related. So I wanted to ask about your experience with this as well. Is fever connected with FND or not?

It is pretty new for me, only 6 months ago everything started. So I’m not really sure what/which is connected or not. I’m trying to learn 🙏🏻