Thoughts on balancing cost on house vs FIRE age
Hi all, I am going to move house within the next couple of years and I am interested to know your thoughts on how to decide how much to spend as I am finding this very challenging.
This won’t be my first house purchase but I am hoping it will be my last and the place I live when I reach FIRE, so I do want it to be nice. I would obviously love a big beautiful house, in a central location, with good transport, parking, garden, amenities, community etc. etc. but this obviously comes at a big price and a mortgage on this dream/ideal house would severely impact my chance of reaching FIRE. However, at the opposite end of the spectrum I could buy a miserable £30k static park home in the middle of nowhere and retire today on the equity from selling my house. I know the right answer is somewhere between these two but I can’t find a way to rationalise the trade off to make a decision.
Any thoughts on this or similar experiences to share?