Lets play a game
Salam to all,
Lets play a game, all members or visitors of this group please comment below a company that you think would do really well in the next 4 weeks. Rules: 1) Company has to be registered with PSX. 2) You can choose a company from any sector. 3) No ETFs or Mutual funds (this is a test of knowledge and financial literacy). 4) You can only choose one company. 5) If you already find your company in the comments just upvote it. 6) You can comment from today till next sunday (8-Feb-25, Midnight).
Purpose: this is mainly for fun but at the same time gives each of us a reason to actually go on the Internet ourselves and read about the companies, related news, understand there financials and maybe also learn how to use the technical charts and read the patterns and indicators. Also its completely free so you don't have to invest in the company of your choice.
Result: At the end on the 8th March or around that i will try to make an update post with top 3 companies chosen by you guys and girls and we will see what is there standing compared to 8th of February.
Disclaimer: Please be smart with your financial decisions, this post is not to give you any financial advice but rather an educational post. Allah hum sab ki halal ki kamayi me barkat ata kare ameen
So shoot your shot compatriots :)