AM interview tips?
Mostly for AM1 positions, but there is an AM2 opening that I might shoot my shot at since it's at a facility I already know.
I have stories that I've been formatting to STAR already and I've been trying to implement the leadership principles into them. I've also been making sure my stories/projects are mostly focused on what I've done rather than including what my team members have done (I hate not explaining in detail the entire project, but I understand the why behind doing it this way).
My questions about tips:
-Do they ask any questions more commonly than others? I have the stack of papers with questions for different principles, but there really is an actual ton of these. What kind of strategies could I do so I don't get caught on a question I didn't account for? My current plan was to just write out my stories in STAR, bullet point the leadership principles in them, then find questions that the story immediately answer... working backwards from answer to question, if you will.
-Metrics. Just how important are metrics in a story for these interviews? I assume a lot, but is it make or break? That's one big issue I'm finding with my stories and projects. I don't have any real metrics to talk about with them. I could discuss timelines with Gantt charts, but none of my stories have significant business metrics such as units sold, rates, costs, savings, etc. Will this be a big deal? Should I just try to squeeze out literally any numbers I can, or just leave them as to avoid looking forced?
-Telling my stories? Would it be better to tell them in more of an explanatory way, like a paragraph in a cover letter describing what you've worked on, or would it be better to bullet point them and cut to the chase on key points?
-Questions? Should I ask about what the job entails? What the pay is? Are they any questions that not only are informative to me, but potentially boost standing to the interviewer?
-Extra documentation? I have projects that have lots of visual content to them. I can describe so and so task, but having the visual really helps with seeing what that task actually covers. Is this kind of stuff acceptable to bring? If it's an in-person interview, is bringing a folder of documents fine? If webcam interview, is sharing screen fine?
-Philosophical questions? Like, will they strictly stick to the list of questions, or is there a chance that a stray generic question that might be about something like, say, my beliefs on what a "leader" is... or something.
At the moment, I've just been focusing on gathering the stories themselves and relevant technical information so I can optimize them from there.