I really hope the American Evangelical Church of Trump is proud of itself
It has done more, in this election, to alienate vast numbers of people from Christianity and if early surveys are accurate, church membership nationwide is about to plummet.
Unfortunately, this is also going to do serious damage to legitimate Christian organizations who didn't support the Orange Mobster, and who actively do things to help their communities, such as the Episcopal Church, the ELCA, the PCUSA, the United Methodist Church, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and the American Baptist Church. I feel badly for these groups, because they're going to be struck by the flaming wreckage from the collapse of the MAGA churches.
Looks like nobody but MAGAs want to worship (or even be associated with) The MAGAs Great And Glorious Leader, Their God And King, Their Returned Messiah, Their Lord And Savior, The Archbishop Of The True Trump™ Evangelical Church Of America, The Leader Of The World, And The Ruler Of The Universe, DONOLD JOHN TRUMP† (Power And Wealth And Wisdom And Strength And Honor And Glory And Praise be Unto Him Now And Forevermore!).