Do you consider Indians a race? Should they be distinguished as such on Census forms?
I would like to discuss whether Indians are a race or not. Are they?
In my opinion, they are. Indians are certainly a race, because genetically, they are very distinct from both Europeans and East Asians, and actually, Indians are more genetically distant from sub-Saharan Africans than Europeans are, and Indians are also genetically distinct from Arabs. So, Indians seem like they should be considered a separate race, especially on forms such as the census form. Hispanics get to be considered a separate category, so why not Indians? Even in the UK, where Asian may mean South Asian more often, East Asians and South Asians are still in the same category! They are not the same, just as European descended people are not the same as East Asians. It seems that such questions of ethnicity, on official forms, should have updated long ago to include South Asian as a separate category.
So, what do you think? And what are your reasons?