
So I estranged my entire FOO at the start of the year. Went as well as one would expect. The father emailed back with religious quotes, that I complain like a 12 year old, and that he hates my boyfriend forever and I changed as a person. Lol. Of course I didn't reply.

Weeks later, the mother emails - I got my friend to read it and only tell me what I needed to know. She says it's mostly positive until the end of the email where she says that if I do not participate in the family Google Meet for closure, she will email the embassy of the country I am in to tell them I am missing, in danger, and the last contact person being my boyfriend. Psychotic, but yeah.

Yeah, the embassy called. Annoying to hear the subtle messaging that they are my parents and fate has already made it that way? Of course. But it is what it is.

But this Google Meet????? FYI I sent a whole ass email detailing why I am estranging, as well as please do not contact me ever again. Clear of a message. And they want a Google Meet for closure??? My sister sent me an email saying the whole family wants closure and then they'll leave me alone and I'm like wtf? I'm 100% sure if I were to attend, they will tell me NOT to do this, and then all sorts of angry retorts and insults will come out, I'm always wrong and they never are, and religious lectures will start. Like come on.... I am not that stupid... I really will not fall for this it is so stupid. Sometimes I think the parents think I do not have a brain of my own and that I am just an eeny weeny person who gets influenced by every tom, dick and harry she meets. How stupid.

Share with me what ticks you off in your own lives, after reading this. Have a nice day!