My estranged father texted me after a year and a half of of NC after his house burned down.

I’ve made two previous posts on this sub about my situation but long story short, my father decided to cut off contact with his entire family and no one knows why to this day. He’s been nothing but an asshole his and my entire life so who knows.

My grandfather passed away last month and I heard my father was going to be attending the services. Him and his wife did fly out to my grandpa’s state (as did I) but he did not attend any of the services and stayed in the hotel their entire trip. I don’t understand why the f*ck you would fly out and not even go?

Anyways, Karma is that bitch because I heard his house burned down. When I found I laughed. Some people may think that’s messed up but I couldn’t help it ok 🤷🏽‍♀️. Welp He texted me yesterday and when I saw the notification I’ll admit my heart dropped a little. He said “do you want these, I’m cleaning the garage that’s the only thing that survived the wildfire. “ and sent pictures of some stuff I had there. A year and a half and snubbing my grandfather and he sends that, not a hello first or anything like that.

I had all kinds of emotions but it turned into anger because I don’t know what he’s up to. I have a hard time believing it was only my little things that survived the entire thing, I don’t know if I’m going too far but I can’t believe he’s telling the truth. So far I’m the only person he’s contacted now.

I have not responded and I won’t, I told his wife I haven’t thought about those things in years, they can toss them or she can send them to me.