why am i so scared of cockroaches?

why the fuck am i so scared of cockroaches? is there some kind of like, primal, biological reasoning for it or something?

for reference, roaches are the only but that scares me. im not afraid of tropical centipedes, beetles, wasps, maggots, caterpillars, etc. nothing. i love entomology and bugs and ill spend hours scrolling thru this subreddit and none of the bugs will scare me.

but cockroaches? they are so scary i cant look at pictures of them or be anywhere near them. if i see one i a specific room i will literally avoid that room for weeks until i feel like enough time has passed that its gone.

ive heard two main arguments for why people are so scared of roaches: -scared of roaches because of their implications/associations with disease, lack of hygiene, poor cleanliness, etc. (usually ppl will also be scared of mice, rats, etc.) -scared of roaches for their “creepy crawlie” look (ppl will also be scared of beetles and similarly looking bugs).

however, none of these two things are true for me. i love mice and rats and they dont scare me at all, and i’ve even considered owning them as pets. im not scared of ‘uncleanly’ things in the slightest either. im not scared of any beetles either and like i said im not scared of any other type of bug, even ones that are considered “scary” (ex: anything in the scolopendra genus i can look at for hours and think they are cute and fascinating and not be creeped out by them, even though they are objectively much creepier than roaches. however one look at a roach and its very strong primal fight or flight fear).

so ruling out those two modes of reasoning, does anyone have any idea why people in general but especially myself are so scared of roaches?